OPPTA is the Parent Teacher Association for Orleans Primary school

Working with all parents, teachers and children of the school, we have a couple of simple ambitions.

#1. Enhance the educational needs of our children

#2. To foster relationships within our school community

It's that simple. Nothing more complicated. Nothing more noble.

All parents share the ambition to help our kids get the absolute maximum out of their time at the school. And just as their education is rounded in line with the National Curriculum, so should be the additional support that OPPTA provide, enhancing their academic, cultural, social & physical education.

So how does it work?

OPPTA are just a group of parents who have volunteered to get involved to help raise money for the school and share ideas about where that money should be spent. Some people are heavily involved (like Caroline & Jess - our co-chairs). Others less so. Most of all, it is just a group of people who want to make a difference to the school and our kid's time there.

Throughout the year, we run a series of great fun events that help strengthen the relationships for all parents, staff and kids: film nights, pub quizzes, fireworks display, comedy nights, Summer & Christmas fetes, etc... And throughout the year we are also looking for things we can invest in for the school, (laptops, books, allotments, playground equipment, etc...) ensuring that every penny we raise goes to funding more great stuff that fulfils our ambition - to enhance the education of our children.

Can I get involved?


We want to make our PTA as inclusive and collaborative as it can be, enhancing all of our shared experience of school. We welcome everyone to come to an OPPTA meeting, to take on a specific role or to become a Class Rep.

However, we know that this is not for everyone and we recognise that many of us simply do not have the time. There are some simple ways we welcome your involvement:

  • Responding to your Class Reps requests
  • Turning up to organised events
  • Signing up to OPPTA’s Facebook
  • Reading our Newsletter
  • Giving feedback and making suggestions (without commitment!)
  • Sharing an opinion on funding decisions

Each year takes it in turn to organise the different events - and there are lots of different jobs to be done - from planning the theme, sorting the admin, raising money through sponsorship or prizes, to advertising and marketing of it.

You don’t need to commit to anything ongoing, but any little help that you might be able to offer is always hugely appreciated. We really hope we can create ways for you to be involved!

If you'd like to find out more about what OPPTA are doing currently then take a look at our Facebook group using the button below. Or drop us an email at orleanspta@gmail.com